The Rodent family (Rodentia) is extremely large and consists of many different species within the family, (rats, mice, squirrels, bats, chipmunks, etc.) just to name a few commonly dealt with in metro Atlanta, Georgia.

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Most rodents have many different characteristics, physical, habitual & otherwise. However, here at Perimeter Wildlife Control, “Atlanta’s 24/7 Wildlife Service!!” we have found the Top 4 Things on Every Rodent’s Mind in Atlanta & we explain them in this post.

Remember, Perimeter Wildlife is on call 24/7 including weekends & holidays, if you require immediate emergency rodent control or animal removal in metro Atlanta, Georgia, CALL US NOW @ 770-369-7713.

4 Things On A Rodent's Mind | Perimeter Wildlife Control | Perimeter Wildlife Control

Norway Rat Removed Live in Atlanta, Georgia


Every living organism needs food and water to survive & rodents are no different. Of course the spectrum of food chosen comes to the tastes of individual rodent. For example grey squirrels are primarily herbivores & eat nuts, acorns, leaves and such; while rats will literally eat anything including themselves or other rats. Rats will even eat objects with no nutritional value whatsoever, including holiday decorations in client’s attics. Bats are carnivores 100% of the time, they consume 3 & 1/2 times their body weight in flying insects every night.


Once again like every living organism, rodents need to use the bathroom. Obviously their bathrooms do not contain toilets, sinks, etc., their bathroom is normally someone’s attic, basement, crawlspace, or even living space. Most rodents in a typical day will defecate & urinate anywhere from 60-150 times! This is not just because they have tiny bodies & process foods faster than humans, but as they are expelling urine & droppings, they are also leaving their scent behind so that they may follow it again later. The scent trail is the #1 reason critters will always make their way back to where they have previously been.

4 Things On A Rodent's Mind | Perimeter Wildlife Control | Perimeter Wildlife Control

Rat Droppings in an Attic Space


Chewing is the most common damage characteristic of all rodents. Rodents chew on things to keep their teeth as sharp as possible. They have been known to be chewing on wood to make an entry point into a structure, electrical wiring, plastic water lines, wiring harnesses under the hood of vehicles, HVAC ductwork, among other things inside & around the home that can be very costly to repair or replace.

4 Things On A Rodent's Mind | Perimeter Wildlife Control | Perimeter Wildlife Control

Roof Rat Trapped in Metro Atlanta, GA


Again most organisms on earth require some type of shelter, rodents are no different. Most times a critter’s idea of shelter can be extremely simple, their only requirements are that they can have a warm dry place to live & to have their little rodent babies. Nests often consist of insulation, leaves, or other organic debris, however client’s personal items stored in attics or basements (holiday decorations etc.) could also become rodent nests.

4 Things On A Rodent's Mind | Perimeter Wildlife Control | Perimeter Wildlife Control

Entry Point created to circumvent prior wildlife exclusion repairs.

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Perimeter Wildlife Control, LLC.
Woodstock, GA 30188
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