Atlanta Coyote Control: What Attracts Coyotes to Your Property?

Atlanta Coyote Control: What Attracts Coyotes to Your Property?

Atlanta Coyote Control: What Attracts Coyotes to Your Property? Georgia Coyote Control: Are Coyotes on Your Property? If you find that coyotes are often on your property, this guide on coyote control can help you understand what attracts them. Click here to find out more. Coyotes have a healthy population, being so numerous that scientists aren’t able to count an accurate tally. With the highest estimate being at ten million just in North America, some people are concerned about coyote control. One of the first things to understand about controlling and avoiding these animals is to know what attracts coyotes. If you have a coyote problem, you can sometimes remedy the issue by removing anything that attracts them.

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But what attracts coyotes, and how can you keep your property safe? If you’re curious about coyote control, we’re here to guide you. Read on to learn about how we can help you fix your coyote problem in metro Atlanta, GA.

Atlanta Coyote Control: Are Coyotes on Your Property? | Perimeter Wildlife Control

What Attracts Coyotes in Atlanta, GA?

The first and most important thing is understanding what attracts coyotes to your property. Here are some of the most common things that attract coyotes.


Like most wild animals and pests, coyotes are attracted to food.

One of the most common places to leave food is in your trash can. If you live near the woods, a great option is to use bear-resistant trash cans.

These cans are better at keeping the scent of your food in the can to stop bears or other wild animals from sniffing it out. In the case where a wild animal does detect the food, they’re less likely to be able to reach the food. Failure can lead to frustration, which will eventually deter the animal.

But the best way is to try to never have food out in the open. Consider putting food scraps into a compost bin and keeping it covered to reduce how far the smell travels. That way, you’ll have less food in your trash cans to attract wild animals.

If you’re cooking outside, you shouldn’t worry as much about coyotes coming after your barbecue. Coyote attacks aren’t common, and they’re typically scared off by human activity. Still, if you’re alone and coyotes have been adventuring near your property, you should keep protection with you.

Safety and Shelter

Another draw for coyotes toward your property is the promise of safety and shelter.

You may have found coyotes sleeping under your porch or beneath an awning. If there’s severe weather, coyotes are also more likely to use your home as a shelter.

If a coyote is distressed, such as injured or starving, they may decide to brave human activity and hide near your home. These draws don’t often attract coyotes repeatedly, as once they feel safe, they may move on.

However, if a coyote is repeatedly using your home as a den, you should contact coyote control specialists. Here at Perimeter Wildlife Control, we’re happy to aid you in removing any pest, from coyotes to raccoons and everything in between.


Finally, one factor that may draw coyotes to your property is animals. In some cases, this may fall under the category of food.

Free-roaming pets can often attract coyotes and other predatory animals. If you have a cat or small dog that roams the yard, the coyote may see these animals as a meal.

Coyotes tend to attack small mammals, including rabbits, mice and rodents, as well as cats. Smaller breeds of dogs are at risk, though attacks are rarer against dogs. Large dogs, especially ones bigger than the average coyote, are usually safe.

Atlanta Coyote Control: Are Coyotes on Your Property? | Perimeter Wildlife Control

Threats of Coyotes

Why shouldn’t you let coyotes stay near your property? Sometimes, people are tempted to adopt or provide for these wild animals.

If you’re tempted to do so, you should call for coyote control specialists instead. With coyote trapping and other non-lethal options, the coyote can be rehomed elsewhere or put in a sanctuary.

Here are some of the primary threats of letting a coyote problem go unattended.

Safety Threats

The most important threat is the safety issue that these animals present.

Other than attacking your pets, they may also attack you or your family. If you have small children, they likely aren’t able to fight off a coyote in the rare case that it attacks.

That said, coyote attacks on humans are exceptionally rare. Studies show that there were roughly 150 attacks between 1960 and 2002. Still, it’s best to avoid any chance.

Raised Aggression

One of the things that can make coyotes more likely to attack is feeling safe around people.

While this sounds backward, it’s a common issue with wild animals.

Most wild animals, from bears and possums to wolves and coyotes, have a healthy fear and hesitation of humans. As such, they’ll typically avoid areas with humans.

But when a wild animal is provided for, such as food or shelter, they slowly lose this fear. If the animal is a societal one, such as coyotes or wild dogs that live in packs, they may teach their packmates that there’s nothing to fear.

The end result is the wild animals feel more comfortable going into places where humans live, such as towns, near homes, and parks. Once there, they’re less likely to fear the humans in the area and may approach them.

The greatest cause of this is being fed, especially by hand. Coyotes will quickly associate humans with food and approach them, hoping for a snack or quick meal. People may panic when this happens, acting defensively against the coyote and leading to an attack.

If you see coyotes on your property, you can often scare them away with loud noises or actions. However, it’s best not to injure the coyote.

Instead, let us handle your coyote removal. We can be there to help you in any emergency in the Atlanta emergency, no matter what the hour. If someone has been hurt by a coyote, we urge you to contact emergency medical help first.

Handling Coyote Control

Coyote control is a critical part of assuring the safety of your family and everyone on your property. Understanding what attracts coyotes is the best way of stopping them from showing interest in your land.

Need help with your coyote problem? Perimeter Wildlife Control is happy to help with the coyote removal to help keep your family safe. Contact us today to see how we can help.

Call us 24/7 at 770-369-7713!

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