7 Signs You Have a Rodent Problem

7 Signs You Have a Rodent Problem

7 Signs You Have a Rodent Problem Do you suspect rodents might be in your home? If you notice these signs, you may have a rodent problem on your hands. But don’t worry, we can help.

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Do you know how to tell if you have a rodent problem in your house?

It’s much easier to fix a rodent problem when you catch it early on. However, if you don’t know what to look for, you won’t notice the issue until it’s a huge infestation. This means you’ll need to spend more time and money on fixing it.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide so you’ll know what to watch out for. Read on to learn the signs of a rodent issue in your home.

Signs of a Rodent Problem

These signs might come up if you’ve never had a problem before. However, you also might encounter the signs of a rodent problem after you’ve had pest control come already. Sometimes, the first round of treatment doesn’t get all the rodents out.

These tips will show you how to tell if you’re seeing the signs of a new infestation, or the remnants of an old one.

1. Droppings

Rodent droppings can mean a number of different things.

If you have a new infestation, you’ll notice moist, dark droppings. However, the older the droppings are, the drier they become. Droppings from a previous infestation will be crumbly and gray in color.

If you’re looking for signs of a rodent problem, the common places you’ll find droppings are around food packaging, under the sink, in cupboards and drawers, and in hidden places.

More droppings will be located near the places where rodents feed or nest. If you find fresh droppings, examine the area and you’ll probably find the source of the infestation.

2. Gnawing

The signs of gnawing from animals can also point to an infestation. But how to tell if it’s a new one or the remnants of an old one?

Fresh gnaw marks tend to be light colored. As they age, they’ll become darker gradually.

You might find these gnaw marks on packages from food, or on parts of your house. It’s helpful to keep track of where old gnaw marks are. That way, if you notice what you think are new ones, you can compare them.

If the new ones look a lot different, you probably have a fresh infestation on your hands. If they look just like the old ones, they’re probably old marks that you just didn’t notice before.

These marks are also useful for showing you whether your rodent problem involves mice or rats. When rats gnaw on things, the marks are bigger than when mice do. If you know you had one kind of infestation previously, marks of a different size can show that you now have a different infestation on your hands.

3. Bad Smells

To figure out if you have a rodent problem, sometimes all you need to do is follow your nose.

It’s easier to track rodents using smell if you have dogs or cats in the house. Your pets will often get more excited and active in places close to where the rodents are living.

That’s because they can smell the rodents, sometimes even before you do. When an infestation first starts, your pets are your best tip-off to the problem. They’ll probably notice the scent before you do.

If you notice your pet active or pawing at a part of the house they’re not usually interested in, check that area for mice or rats.

When the infestation grows, you’ll probably start to smell something stale coming from the places where the pests have taken up residence.

4. Runways and Tracks

The more active your rodents are, the more likely you’ll see tracks and runways around the house.

These signs become less clear over time, so you’ll likely only see them if they’re new. To spot these runways, take a flashlight or a blacklight and hold it at an angle over the area where you suspect there’s been rodent activity. If they’ve been traveling there, you’ll see signs like droppings, urine stains, smudges, and footprints.

If you’re not sure if the signs are really there, try sprinkling the ground with some baby powder or flour. Use a thin layer, and the trails will soon show up in the powder.

5. Nests

Mouse or rat nests are a surefire sign of a rodent problem.

Nests are built using materials from your house or outside, including fabric, dried plant material, and scraps of paper. It may be hard to tell if a nest is fresh, but if it looks recently used and is accompanied by other signs like gnaw marks and droppings, you probably have a rodent problem.

6. Signs Outside

You might also see evidence of rodent activity out in the yard. Rodents often seek out piles of compost or trash for their food and nesting needs. If you have trash or waste accumulated near your home, look there for signs of pests.

Getting rid of these waste piles or moving them farther from your home can also help you get rid of pests faster.

7. Signs of Population Size

If you know what to look for, you can even tell how large of an infestation you might be dealing with.

If you see pests at night, but they disappear during daylight hours, the infestation is probably still relatively small. You won’t need much more than some traps and bait to get it under control.

However, if you’re seeing pests during the day and night, and discovering new droppings and gnaw marks, the population is probably large already. Rodent populations can grow rapidly, so it’s important to get the help of expert pest control as soon as possible.

Need Help Fighting a Rodent Problem?

If you’ve seen some or all of these signs of a fresh infestation, you don’t need to fight it alone. Even if you think the population is still small, professionals can help ensure that you get rid of the issue before it grows.

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